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Follow these 10 privacy advocates on Twitter right now

There are many interesting and admirable privacy advocates on Twitter — too many to list here! Here are 10 to follow right now.

Data privacy continues to dominate mainstream news, with privacy advocates worldwide stepping up their efforts to rebalance data privacy in favor of consumers over corporations.

From the constant barrage of the latest data breaches to investigations into Facebook tying Oculus Rift data to personal accounts and the data collection practices of Big Tech in general, privacy is everywhere. We also had the passage of Prop 24 in California, which expands privacy rights for Californians.

And now, Facebook is going toe-to-toe with Apple, buying full-page ads in newspapers to criticize Apple’s decision to make targeted advertising opt-in. This switch threatens Facebook’s core business model, which relies on unfettered data access to personalize advertising.

So how can you stay informed about the latest news — and more importantly, how to stand up for your own right to privacy and control over how companies collect, store and use your data?

Follow our list of the top privacy advocates on Twitter. These folks are the ones keeping the pressure up and the conversation going so that we all can enjoy more privacy freedom today and into the future.

The top privacy advocates on Twitter


The Electronic Frontier Foundation defends civil liberties in our digital world. Their work reaches across all aspects of digital life, from privacy to surveillance, free speech and government regulations. If you were going to support a baller organization that’s bold and effective, this is the one!


Jules is the CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, an organization that brings leaders and academics together to build best practices around privacy and technology. Jules not only shares a variety of news sources, but he also provides a colorful perspective that’s entertaining and insightful.


The International Association of Privacy Professionals is a global network for those that work in privacy. The IAPP has been around for 20 years, so it has been along for the entire digital revolution.

While this is focused on professionals, the information is comprehensive and precise. For the true privacy geeks, this one is a must follow. For privacy news, check out their DailyDashboard handle, which is curated by the IAPP editorial director Jed Bracy and team.


Privacy International is a global organization committed to “a world where technology will empower and enable us, not exploit our data for profit and power.” The org reaches across borders and topics to connect privacy to broader global issues across healthcare, education, business and government.


Among privacy advocates, Celine Mactaggart is well-known. As co-founder of CA Privacy, she helped first pass the CCPA and then the CPRA, with the passage of Prop 24 in California. Now, thanks to those efforts, a huge chunk of America has strong privacy rights.


Frederike is a tech policy analyst and researcher, advocating for “justice in a world made of data.” Currently, she’s s a tech policy fellow at Mozilla and philanthropic effort called the European AI Fund.

Frederike recently reflected on the broken online system, saying that said that “the internet is f*cked.” We couldn’t agree more — and that’s why we all must keep advocating for privacy in our world made of data.


Pat Walshe is data protection and privacy advocate. He does an excellent job at curating content from a variety of sources, which means that his followers are exposed to many facets of the privacy spectrum worldwide.


Eric is a widely respected and well-known cyber security expert. He’s most definitely the geekiest of all the people on this list. So, for those that want a bit more of a cybersecurity bent to their privacy advocacy, this is the guy! Eric will keep you current with the latest hacks, bots, malware and other critical issues that affect our digital lives.


Gabriel Weinberg is the CEO of DuckDuckGo, a privacy-first browser with strong data privacy controls. Gabriel’s commentary is witty and sharp, and nearly always hits the mark. The best part: He’s never afraid to call out the big players. Example: “Instead of bringing people together, Facebook has torn societies apart.” Mic drop.


Arvind Narayanan is a Princeton professor that shares commentary on surveillance capitalism (aka those who make money tracking you online) and tech policy. The perspectives are shared with his 75k+ followers, which are actively engaged and often have lively threads worth following.

There are many more privacy advocates worth following on Twitter! We update our list often, so follow it here.