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Continuous Data Protection in 2021

As we surf the waves of the internet, there are countless dangers which lurk underneath. And unfortunately, if we fail to stay proactive, our data can end up in the wrong hands. But thankfully, there’s a way to stay surfing and stay safe while you do it. Here’s how to defend your data in 2021:

The internet provides us with countless benefits and accommodations. But with all its positives, the online world is rife with danger as well. Chief amongst the things to worry about on the internet is the issue of protecting your data. Though the concept of data privacy has only moved into the thoughts of the masses recently, the exploitation of consumer data is an issue as old as the internet itself. The unfortunate reality is that there are countless bad actors after your data while you surf the web. And what makes my data so valuable, you may ask? Well your data contains important pieces of personal information that corporations, scammers, and hackers can use for their own means. Whether it’s for marketing purposes, credit card scams, or phishing schemes, these online intruders can use your info against you and your family.

Is my Data Protected?

Unfortunately, there are very few legislative measures currently in place to protect the consumer. The lack of a national data privacy law means that unless you live in one of the few states which have limited protection, your data is in serious jeopardy. And without laws to prevent companies from exploiting your data, the internet will remain a digital wild west. Kind of scary right? Not only are corporations (and hackers) constantly on the prowl for your personal information, the government doesn’t seem to particularly care. Even in the few instances in which companies have been penalized, the fines were insignificant in comparison to what they gained from taking advantage of consumer data.

With a lack of protective laws and very little punishment for exploiting your data, the cards seem to be stacked against the consumer. So, what can you do to even the playing field and defend your data from the dangers of the web?

How to Keep Your Data Safe

Perhaps the single most important thing when it comes to data defense is staying proactive. That means putting up walls to keep the prying eyes of the internet away from your data before they have a chance to learn your sensitive information. But how do you do it? Well, the most cost and time effective way of protecting your data is to sign-up for a data protection service. And the top consumer data protection service on the market is Privacy Bee.

With a variety of fully customizable features, Privacy Bee makes it easy to eliminate data threats. Those features include a personalized consumer dashboard where you can pick and choose which companies you trust with your data and a free browser extension for you to customize your privacy preferences. They also offer data broker and marketing list removal services, so that you  no longer have to deal with the pesky databases which hoard your information. These services work together to make your online experience both safe and more enjoyable. And that’s not all! Remember that keyword we mentioned earlier, proactive? Well Privacy Bee is in a league of its own when it comes to proactively protecting your data. They provide you with 24/7/365 vulnerability monitoring, so that you’ll know instantly if your data is ever at risk.

Let’s face it, for most of us, the internet is now an essential part of our lives. And unfortunately, without the proper protective measures, that part of our lives can be very dangerous. If you don’t defend your data, your personal safety and financial security is at risk. So, if you want to keep your sensitive information out of harm’s way and shield your data from digital bandits, you need a service like Privacy Bee. And guess what? You can get started for free with their complementary privacy evaluation! So what are you waiting for? Don’t let corporations and scammers run amok and run away with your data. Keep it in your hands and under control with Privacy Bee!